It’s called “On the pencil’s tip: nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed”, the project by Michela Mantoan for kindergartens and primary schools. An original education path towards sustainability and circular economy, which includes workshops, playful and interactive exhibitions, meetings and conferences.
Perpetua the pencil will take part in one of the workshops and, through her story, she will introduce the younger ones to the key principles of circular economy and will teach them how to be our Planet’s friends through small everyday choices.
The bookmark that will be handed out to the participants of the event is made out of Shiro Algae Paper by Favini. Perpetua is proud to be part of Michela Mantoan’s project, aiming to spread awareness and critical spirit, indispensable tools in our everyday life. Another journey in the innovative world of circular economy that we can’t wait to embark.
First stop: April 6, from 3 pm Civic Museum of Bassano del Grappa